Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Late result: Band Aid 20 Live 8

So now we're all aware BBC2's going to be cleared for a day, or possibly a couple of hours after 7.30pm, let's try and get our heads around the purpose of Live 8. Firstly, it's not a fundraiser, which means David Hepworth can sleep easier, but to "raise awareness of Make Poverty History". Erm, cheers. Everyone knows what Make Poverty History is now. We're all aware of the special weeks, the Martin/Yorke axis' previous efforts, Blair's gladhanding of the African situation last week, that advert which suggests every time you click your fingers a child dies like a macabre version of Peter Pan or something. Either you're preaching to the converted or raising money to support the cause, and I'm sorry, St Bob, but everyone's going to call it Live Aid II nevertheless if that's the case. Also, what logic is there in an event in London with offshoots around the world to coincide with an event in Scotland? If this turns out to be Dominic Mohan's idea again I'll despair.

Plus it appears to have become for the moment nothing more than a handy hook on which to hang the latest Spice Girls Reunite stories. Never mind Madonna, Sir Paul, the Stones and U2, everyone, a disposable pop band you probably grew sick of in 1997 might be playing!

UPDATE: No, it's not like Live Aid at all, it's just the logo is also based on a guitar shape. Geldof has stressed that Live 8 is about awareness and "political justice" rather than money - er, cheers, then - but the proceeds from the ticket competition text line will go to charity. There's 10,000 tickets at £1.50 a text, and oddly £15,000 is about the amount they'll be going for on eBay by the last week in June. Geldof also suggests this is the first stage of a campaign that may lead to a march on the G8 summit the following week by up to a million people, which the head of the local police has said is impractical for all concerned and potentially dangerous. So well done on that score.

Of course the Spice reunion is mentioned about five paragraphs into the BBC News report!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, on Teletext, it says that Live8 will be giving the ticket proceeds to the Prince's Trust, to make up for taking the place of the Party In The Park concert…


Simon said...

Yes, they declared the charity yesterday - they're pledging a total of £1.6m to make up the PITP shortfall, so they're expecting at least 106,666.666 (recurring) texts.

Anonymous said...

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